Flor Ecuador Certified was established in 2005 as a social and sustainable scheme, aimed at Ecuadorian companies that are dedicated to the production and marketing of flowers.



You will have a clear guide to follow with our internal control tool.
It will ensure compliance with social and environmental requirements issued by government entities.
You can be sure that you are adopting good socio-environmental practices, in accordance with the standards expected for the sector.

Proper waste disposal to reduce the environmental impact of flower production.
Greater environmental awareness in the floriculture sector.
Better use of renewable resources.
Legal compliance with Ecuadorian environmental regulations.

The certified farms have a clear guide to follow by aplying our internal control tool.
They ensure compliance with social and environmental requirements issued by government entities.
They can rest assured to adopt good socio-environmental practices, in accordance with the standards expected for the sector.

A certification scheme issued by AGROCALIDAD that guarantees the implementation of good agricultural practices in the export sectors in accordance with resolution No. 038.
Mandatory compliance with BPA certification applies to export sectors including flowers and ornamentals through the Resolution No. 038, Article 1.
"Establish the mandatory implementation and certification of Good Agricultural Practices for suppliers of exporting companies in order to protect international trade in agricultural products."
EXPOFLORES AND AGROCALIDAD signed an agreement to homologate the Flor Ecuador certificate with the BPA scheme.

EXPOFLORES AND AGROCALIDAD signed an agreement to homologate the Flor Ecuador certificate with the BPA scheme.
With these two certifications we guarantee:
1. Safe handling of agrochemicals.
2. The well-being of the staff.
3. Environmental care.

Last update: 17/03/2025